Tuesday, March 8, 2011


 Should I say hundreds of Western Medications my husband took had extreme side effect, medications kept his Alzheimer under control for some years but he experienced symptoms, I knew he was in the company of millions of Alzheimer’s disease patients, though, who daily contend with the side effects of these medications. That was part of it. But I couldn’t stop him from taking them, because I was advised that his Alzheimer’s disease might just kill him if he stops. He only continued taking them because I believed that one day he will be free from Alzheimer disease and no more drugs. He was frequently apologizing to family, friends, for forgetting words and trains of thought. This “brain fog,” as I’ve come to call it over the years, is an obvious biological response to chemicals meant to slow neural activity. Whether he had a disorder or not, he knew only that he feel a need, a calling, to write and that the side effects of his medications have inhibited his ability to find the right words what a relief! One particular aspect of his life that the brain fog has affected was his creativity.

I was still desperate for a cure, so I continued my search for a cure, reading and Bookmarking blogs, following comments of people with Alzheimer’s disease and blogs they shared. His breakthrough came the day I read a testimony about someone who was cured from Alzheimer’s disease through Herbal Medication… I followed the blog, and was awed when I read another  Alzheimer’s disease patient testimony of being cured through the doctor’s herbal medicine. From what I learnt, the herbal medication was called ZOMO Herbal medicine… I was well aware that many were not so fortunate. I contacted the doctor, who assured me of permanent solution to my husband long-standing problem, and I order his herbal medication; It all became a story after he used the medicine. Today, he is totally free from Alzheimer’s disease after years of struggle with Alzheimer and western medications with numerous side effects…indeed miracles happens when we do not give up on searching for a way out…I find a cure with an ailment that started when he was 47 years. So  I could think any other thing only to tell people who are suffering from this deadly disease Alzheimer that there is a cure to it. Do not be blinded by Ignorance go for a Herbal cure through ZOMO.


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